Pete R. Fawson, PhD


  • PhD of Social Work, University of Utah


  • Practitioner Wisdom

  • Intimate Partner Violence

  • Prevention Programs

  • Teen Dating Violence

  • Reproductive Coercion

  • Healthy Masculinities 

Biography: Pete R. Fawson, MSW, PhD is a Professor of Social Work at Appalachian State University. He is interested in alleviating suffering for individuals and communities. He has extensive experience in dating violence prevention and education. Much of his research explores aggression -- intimate partner violence and effective ways of preventing violence and improving interventions addressing violence, and the role anger plays in our lives. Other ongoing projects explore wisdom in social work and how social workers embody wisdom when working with clients and communities. Dr. Fawson has developed, implemented, and evaluated violence prevention programs targeting teen dating violence and adult partner violence. He currently teaches social work undergraduate and graduate research methods courses. All his work is collaborative with undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty, bringing in theory and research from areas of social work, psychology, and philosophy.


Title: Professor
Department: Department of Social Work

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-8206

Fax: (828) 262-8066

Office address