A number of BCHS faculty are published in a new book!
The book is titled, Interprofessional Collaboration in Parks, Recreation and Human Services: Theory and Cases.
Joy James (RM), Brooke Towner (HPE), Heather Venrick (Nur), Robert Broce (SW), Richard Christiana (PH), and Rebecca A. Battista (ES) co-wrote chapter 7, The HOPE Lab: An Interprofessional Approach to Researching and Promoting Healthy Outdoor Play and Exercise. Jill Juris Naar (RM), Jamie Griffin (NUT), Melanie Childers, Darby Logan, and Candace Jones co-wrote chapter 13, Lettuce Share Our Interprofessional Experience: A Case for PrePEARing Recreation and Nutrition Programs for Older Adults. We applaud their interprofessional efforts!