Amber Moodie-Dyer, PhD, LCSW


  • Missouri State University, BS in Psychology, 2001
  • Washington University in St. Louis, MSW, 2003
  • University of Missouri, PhD in Social Work, 2011


  • Policy/Advocacy
  • Community Organizing
  • Aging, Hospice, Health Care

Biography: Amber Moodie-Dyer is Field Coordinator and Instructor in the Department of Social Work teaching SW 4600 and field seminars. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has a graduate certificate in Expressive Arts Therapy. She has worked in several nonprofit settings in the fields of community outreach, policy and advocacy, and direct practice in four different states over the course of 20 years on issues ranging from education and afterschool programming, neighborhood vitality, substance abuse prevention, community development, affordable housing, child care, environmental justice, social and economic policy, and hospice. Amber is originally from Missouri where she obtained her degrees and worked as a community organizer. She also lived and worked in Minnesota working in the area of child care policy, and in Columbus, Ohio where she taught in the College of Social Work at The Ohio State University. Prior to her position at Appalachian State University, Amber worked as a Policy Advocate in Raleigh, NC for three years, and as a Medical Social Worker in Hospice in Boone, NC for five years and has developed a passion for end-of-life issues. She co-founded the High Country Death Café in Boone, NC to provide a forum for people to talk honestly and openly about death. Amber currently lives in Vilas, North Carolina with her husband Joe, cat Lola and dog Huckleberry, and enjoys cooking, hiking, running, fishing, writing and art making of all kinds.

Curriculum Vitae: View

Title: Practicum Coordinator
Department: Department of Social Work

Email address: Email me

Fax: (828) 262-8066

Office address
LLHS 535